Have a question about Elks Camp Grassick?
We are happy to help with any question you might have!
If you can't find the answer here, please reach us at
campgrassick@gmail.com or 701-327-4251.
Applications for all sessions can be found on our Apply Now page.
The preferred application method is online. These can be filled out and submitted directly to Camp Grassick.
There is also a printable version of all applications. These can be printed and filled out by hand. Those applications can be mailed to Elks Camp Grassick, PO Box F, Dawson, ND 58428. They can also be scanned and emailed to campgrassick@gmail.com.
If you need an application printed and mailed to you, please call Camp Grassick at 701-327-4251.
Please note that there are different sections of applications to be filled out by parents/guardians, teachers, therapists, etc. Please make sure you are submitting everything you need!
No child is ever denied admittance to Camp Grassick based on financial status. Caregivers are asked to honestly pay whatever portion of the camp fee they are able. Payments can also be made on the fee. Thanks to generous donors, sponsorships are available to cover part or all of a camper's fee. There are no forms to fill out, simply indicate how much you will pay on the application and the rest will be covered. Any amount that caregivers pay towards the campership fee helps Camp Grassick to provide scholarships to as many children as possible.
Please think of campership fees in terms of a sliding scale.
0% - - - - - 25% - - - - - 50% - - - - - 75% - - - - - 100%
For Example:
Family A struggles to meet basic needs; little to no expendable income -- Pay 0 - 25% of the campership fee.
Family B does not typically worry about basic needs; have a steady income; have occasional debt or more significant needs -- Pay 25% to 75% of the campership fee.
Family C has disposable income for recreation and money in savings; comfortably and consistently pays their bills -- Pay 75% to 100% of the campership fee.
Sometimes community organizations or special education units will help to cover the cost of the camp fee. Please consider reaching out to organizations in your community to sponsor a camper. A sample letter to organizations can be found here. This is just an example. Please personalize the letter and rewrite or change it as necessary. There is no need to send this letter to Camp Grassick, simply fill out the Fee Agreement found within the application.
Anyone can refer a camper to Elks Camp Grassick. Many times a teacher or therapist may refer a child. Campers may also be referred by a doctor, another medical professional or even a friend who is familiar with Camp Grassick. A parent may also apply to camp for their child and a referral from a professional is not necessary.
As part of the application, caregivers will fill out a medical and health history form. We have removed the physical form that is completed by a doctor. We found that this was an unnecessary expense to pay for a clinic visit and was sometimes inconvenient to schedule. If the camper has a physical from school or sports, you may attach it to the application, but there is no need to schedule a physical for camp.
Therapy Camps: ages 7- 21
Skills Camp: ages 7-18
Medical Respite Camp: ages 7-16
Recreation Camp: ages 7-16
Adult Camp ages: 21+
*The age requirements are somewhat negotiable depending on circumstances. Don't hesitate to reach out to us and ask any specific questions about age!*
It is perfectly normal to feel worried and anxious about going to camp, even if you have been to camp before! On the first night or two you can expect a little bit of homesickness. Campers will be welcomed right away and will learn the schedule quickly. They will be so busy, that it will be hard to do anything but have fun.
However, if campers don't feel okay, they can always talk to their counselors at any time, go to an older camper to get some advice, discuss it with any staff member or the camp director, and call home for some extra love. Everyone will be there to support and take care of them. We sometimes discourage phone calls in the first couple of days because it makes some campers' homesickness worse, but don't worry, your camper can always call home if they need to.
The short answer is no.
Phones and other technology often leads to problems at camp. We provide plenty of activities, unstructured free time, and lots of time outdoors. This doesn't give campers a lot of time to use devices and "technology withdrawal" is often escalated by having a device close by that they aren't allowed to use.
That being said, all cell phones that are brought to camp will be left in the office and can be used to call home during appropriate free times. If you feel better keeping electronic devices at home, campers can call home from the office phone. (*Camp Grassick is not responsible for lost or damaged electronics or other items.)
Campers are encouraged to send "snail mail" to family members and we welcome families and friends to send mail or packages to their campers.
Laundry will be done once or twice a week during our longer sessions. Full laundry is not done during camps less than one week long, but will always be done if necessary for soiled clothing, etc. Sheets, quilts, bath towels and beach towels are provided by camp.
-Enough clothing for changing weather conditions - pants, sweatshirts, shorts, etc.
-Clothes should be comfortable "play clothes". Campers may want to bring a couple dressy outfits for dances and the final banquet.
-Tennis shoes for recreation
-Flip flops or sandals for waterfront
-A light jacket or rain jacket
-Swimsuit(s) or swim trunks
-Shower and hygiene products - shampoo, soap, toothbrush/paste, comb, hair products, deodorant, etc.
-Camp provides sheets, pillows, blankets and towels - We prefer that campers do not bring their own towels as they are easy to misplace.
-A special blanket or pillow if it helps with sleep (Please make sure they are well marked.)
-Sunscreen and bug spray
-An act for the talent show (for example, bring an instrument if you play one)
-Camera (disposable or small digital camera)
-Stamps or pre-addressed letters for writing home
*NOTE: Cell phones will be kept in the camp office and can be used at appropriate times. Campers will not be allowed to keep phones in their cabins.
Groups of volunteers (scouts, church groups, business groups) are welcome in the spring to assist preparing the campgrounds for the summer sessions, and in the fall helping with building repairs, etc., but any volunteer labor needs to be coordinated well in advance through the Camp Director.
We do not usually use volunteers during the camping sessions. Camp staff undergo several days of orientation and training before campers arrive. Resources are not available to provide volunteers with similar preparation.
Camp staff must be at least 18 years of age. Applicants need to be in good health (must be able to handle the physical, mental and emotional demands of working with children and adults of all ages and abilities) and able to lift at least 50 pounds. Applicants must be mature, responsible and dependable. It is preferred that camp staff be available for the entire summer and be able to work all sessions including staff orientation. (Typically, camp sessions run from just after Memorial Day in late May until mid-August) Most staff members are also required to live on camp throughout their employment.